wintermute finds neuromancer

When I created the Neuromancer T-Shirt (very simple but elegant) I was thinking of something to wear at night even when going to a club. I could see the shirt glowing around.
A wintermute design had been for a long time on my mind. I was playing with typography and trying to create some kind of logo based on a snow flake…well, many different things.

The other day I was thinking about it while walking and I had a spark of inspiration: Wintermute was programmed by the Tessier-Ashpool dynasty with a need to merge with its other half: Neuromancer. Finally, Wintermute unites with Neuromancer, fusing into a greater entity.
Suddenly I realized that they didn’t need to have different designs. Now I can picture myself with a partner hanging around with both t-shirts.
Neuromancer and Wintermute have the same essence, they are two complementary AIs destinated to be a goodlike AI when they merge.

Wintermute vs neuromancer

The shirt is already in the shop.

This is a video of neuromancer T-shirt whith the lights off. I’ll try to make another as in this one it doesn’t look as bright as it is.